

記憶 ーMemory Unfoldedー

‐ Memory -


夜は 突然やってきて 闇に包む 不安になった僕は そこに倒れた
Night descends abruptly, Enveloping in darkness deep, Anxiety grips, I falter, Collapsed in its uncertain keep.

今はただ  記憶の中に 僕はいる 知っている僕は 昨日の僕だ 
In memory's embrace I reside,

Just a fragment of yesterday's tide, Aware that within me, I abide, The me of yesterday, known far and wide.

君を透して 見ている僕は 歪んでいるのを インターネットで 確かめる
Peering through you, distorted, I see,

Online, seeking confirmation to decree, Am I the one twisted, incomplete? In the digital realm, seeking clarity.

「こっちこっち」と 君は手招き するけれど ぼくは歩行器 早くは歩けない
"You beckon, 'Come here,' with grace,

Yet I, reliant on a walker's pace, Cannot hasten, nor match your race, Slowly, steadily, I find my place.

障害を負い いつも車の わたしには 見えないものが たくさん出来た
In the car, obstacles abound, The unseen, to me, remain unwound, But through adversity, strength is found, Invisible barriers, yet perseverance crowned.

サクラサク」あれからどのくらい 経ったのか 今年の花は まだ蕾です
"Cherry blossoms blooml," how much time has passed?

Since then, the years have flown fast. This year's flowers still buds, unsurpassed, In their own time, they'll bloom at last.

思い出す 昔の恋の 物語 終活として 心に沈める

Recalling the tale of a love from past, As part of life's end, to memories I'm cast, In the depths of my heart, it shall forever last, A final act, as part of my life's contrast.

雨粒を 冷たく思う 今日の雨 しとしと 降って わかばが 濡れて
Today's rain, with a chill, I perceive, Softly falling, a steady reprieve, Droplets cool, the leaves receive, In the gentle drizzle, they do retrieve.

「KI-O-KU」には 不思議がいっぱい 詰まっていて 「記憶」に遊ぶ そんな遊び
"Memory" holds mysteries untold,

A playground for the mind to unfold, In its depths, wonders to behold, A realm of play where memories mold.

春の朝の 鳥の鳴き声 配達の バイクの音に 切り裂かれた
In the spring morn's tranquil air, Birdsong pierced by delivery's blare, Nature's melody, disrupted with a dare, The harmony shattered, a discord to bear.

ここらにも 列車の通る音がした そんなころ いつだったろう あるいはMEMORY
Here, too, the sound of trains did roam, In times past, perhaps, or was it a dream's roam? Lost in memory's labyrinth, I comb, For echoes of the past in the heart's own home.

モニターの Google map で 思い出す 志摩の海で 出会った少女

On the monitor, Google Maps display, Recalling the girl met by Shima's bay, In the memories, her presence may stay, In the sea of Shima, where hearts may sway.

3年の 永い眠りから 醒めた僕は 急な変化に とまどっている
Awakening from a three-year slumber deep, I find myself perplexed by changes steep, Swift transitions, too much to keep, In this altered world, I cautiously peep.

英訳は chatGPT によるものですが、韻を踏んでいて情感もあります。